26 Major Roman Catholic Errors        

  The Heart of Rome's Errors
  1. Celibacy of Priests  305 AD
  2. Unholy Alliance of Church and State  313 AD
  3. Vestments  340 AD
  4. Kissing Pope's Feet  709 AD
  5. Worship of Relics  788 AD
  6. Fasting on Fridays  998 AD
  7. Sale of Indulgences  1095 AD
  8. Mariolatry  1095 AD
         8a. Immaculate Conception  1854 AD
         8b. Assumption of Mary  1950 AD
         8c. Praying the Rosary  1090 AD
  9. Prayers to Saints
10. Inquisition
11. Transubstantiation  1215 AD
12. Purgatory  1439 AD
13. Tradition added to Authority of Scripture  1545 AD
14. Seven Sacraments Confirmed 1545 AD
15. Extreme Unction  1545 AD
16. Papal Infallibility  1870 AD
17. Crucifix
18. Evil Symbols
19. 'One-way' Confession
20. Penance
21. Apostolic Succession
22. Priests take title of 'Father'
23. Praying for the Dead
24. Only Priests can Interpret Scripture
25. Homosexuality  2020 AD
26. Don’t need to change  2023 AD


The Heart of Rome's Errors      [Contents]
While Rome agrees that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ, they steadfastly refuse to say that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. But they insist on adding that the sacraments of the church are also essential. e.g. 'Last rites', church baptism, confession etc. They claim that the sacraments can only be provided by the priest. But Jesus is our great High Priest who has opened the door of heaven. We need no other priest now: it is a task that no man can usurp. No man can be an intermediary between us and God. Jesus is our one and only Advocate.  1 Jn 21 Excommunication in the Roman Church means no sacraments, and no sacraments means damnation by their rules. This is a mighty threat and a lever for the priests to wield, giving them immense power over their subjects. No mere man has the right to pass such eternal judgement on another. Only Jesus has the necessary knowledge, the justice and righteousness. Like the Pharisees, who added so much to the Law, Rome, in the interest of power and wealth, have added much to what Jesus says was necessary for salvation. These additions may seem peripheral issues but the errors listed below actually contradict the Word of God.

All ecumenical effort is futile until these Scripture-denying additions are addressed. Also the killing of the many Reformation martyrs needs to be confessed. But Rome refuses to do either of these. They will only admit they are sorry that the Protestants separated, (which caused a very significant loss of income!). They would much prefer to just try to forget the past, rather than repent and admit they were wrong to burn righteous men for translating the Scriptures into English or declaring that transubstantiation was unbiblical. Rome thus remains in gross and substantial error, holding its subjects captive.

The following are a brief summary - they start with sex and power! : :

1. Celibacy of Priests  305 AD      [Contents]
Paul showed that as a missionary, being single can have significant advantages. But Jesus made it clear that it was not for everyone.  Math 1912.  In describing the essential attributes of an elder, Paul says that they should be married! Tit 16. Council of Elvira (canon 33) forbids all bishops, priests and deacons to be married.  Celibacy has caused much needless temptation and has resulted in the fall of many. Paul warned Timothy that deceiving spirits would forbid church leaders to marry.  1 Tim 41-3.  During the last 17 centuries this unscriptural Papal law has consistently caused much secret sin and sexual abuse.

2. Unholy Alliance of Church and State  313 AD      [Contents]
In 313 the Roman Caesar Constantine published the banns of the unholy alliance between the Church and the State at Milan. At the same time he retained the office of Pontifex Maximus - the high priest of the heathen. He never gave up this title. Constantine thus began this corruption by power. (Islam was also corrupted by thirst for power and fought their way as far as Poitiers in France where they were defeated in 732. They tried again in 1529 and were defeated at Vienna.) Jesus said, 'My Kingdom is not of this world.'  Jn 1836. The battle between church and state would greatly affect Britain when King Stephen capitulated to Rome in 1135 and again when Henry II appointed Becket as Archbishop, murdered 1171. Henry VIII was severely challenged by Papal power (Cardinal Wolsey) so he grabbed much of the huge church wealth, separated from Papal authority, and became head of the Church in England. But he never became a Protestant. Today the Pope is still 'king' of a separate nation state, Vatican City, though somewhat less powerful.

3. Vestments  340 AD      [Contents]
These merely reinforce the false notion that Priests are intermediaries between God and man. In the O.T., clothed in their robes, they pointed to Christ. Christ, who would make the 'one full, perfect and sufficient sacrifice for sin'. But now that Christ has come and fulfilled the Law's just requirement, the priest's office is no longer needed. All believers are 'a chosen people, a royal priesthood ...'  1 Pe 29

4. Kissing Pope's Feet  709 AD      [Contents]
It had been a pagan custom to kiss the feet of emperors. Today they often kiss his hand. All dignitaries that are given an audience with the 'emperor' Pope are expected to wear black, while the Pope dresses in white (though in 2014 Queen Elizabeth wore lilac). This tradition is intended to show both his purity and his superiority.

5. Worship of Relics  788 AD      [Contents]
Historical evidence is one thing, but encouraging superstition is quite another. Superstition comes easily to men. Relics soon cause men to worship the creature rather than the Creator.  Ro 125  They are mostly used to bring in revenue to any church claiming to have an 'authentic relic'. A piece of wood that was supposedly part of Noah's Ark or Christ's cross, or a phial of his blood, the shroud of Turin or ... Every year in holy week the Pope and his Cardinals go to St Peter's to silently 'adore' a piece of wood supposedly from Christ's cross and half the spear that pierced his side. Only Satan could cause sensible men to behave so foolishly. Relics have been much used to encourage pilgrimage and of course, donations.

6. Fasting on Fridays  998 AD      [Contents]
In earlier years many Catholics would eat fish on Friday, instead of meat.  Why should this be thought to benefit the soul? Jesus instructed us to fast privately.   Math 616-18. Today few people keep this practice, though it remains canon law.

7. Sale of Indulgences  1095 AD      [Contents]
Around 1230 the Dominican Hugh of St-Cher proposed the idea of a "treasury" at the Church's disposal, consisting of the infinite merits of Christ and the immeasurable abundance of the saints' merits. It had been practised for many years, but soon became  'No gift, no forgiveness'. A callous and wicked scheme to gain wealth for the church that played on the tender conscience of the guilty who desired some assurance of forgiveness. They were taught that their gift to the church was as important as repentance. It was a form of penance. But the people were not taught to believe what Christ has achieved for us on the Cross; that 'he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, by his wounds we are healed'.   Is 535   But our forgiveness is never dependant upon what is said or given to the priest. Mary's gift of perfume to Jesus was because she had been forgiven much, not in the hope of earning forgiveness.  Lu 736-50   The worst excesses of the sale of indulgencies were halted by the Council of Trent in 1545, but the practice was not banned and continues today.

8. Mariolatry  1095 AD      [Contents]
This began in the 5th Century when images and paintings of Mary holding the infant Jesus were placed in many churches. The daily office for Mary was confirmed by Urban II in the Council of Clermont in 1095 AD. Among Catholics the prayer 'Avi Maria' and the 'Hail Mary' remain predominant practice. One prayer says, "Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope! to thee we cry, poor banished sons of Eve, to thee we send up our sighs, mourning, and weeping in this valley of tears, turn, then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us." Pope Francis recently said,  "A Church without women is like the Apostolic College without Mary. The role of women in the Church is not only maternity, the mother of the family, but it's stronger: it is, in fact, the icon of the Virgin, of Our Lady, the one who helps the Church grow! But I think that Our Lady is more important than the Apostles! She is more important! The Church is feminine: she is Church, she is spouse, she is Mother."  On May 13, 1981, Pope John Paul II was the victim of an assassination attempt in St. Peter's Square. In May of 1982, he went on a pilgrimage to Fatima, Portugal to thank the Blessed Virgin Mary for her maternal protection in saving his life and to consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This shows plainly the idolatrous place which Mary still occupies in the Roman church. What an insult to Jesus Christ it is to suggest that he hasn't time or inclination to hear our pleas; or that Mary can do what Jesus cannot do.  The worship of Mary is so ingrained that every Catholic cathedral and all their churches that are large enough have a 'Chapel of our Lady'.
There are three spin-off errors from this ancient and wicked practice.

8a Immaculate Conception  1854 AD       [Contents]
It is falsely claimed that Mary was born perfect. In Lu 147 she confessed her own need for salvation and that she was redeemed by being born again through trusting the effective atoning blood of Christ for her sin - the same as for all believers.

8b. Assumption of Mary  1950 AD       [Contents]
The false and totally unsubstantiated claim that Mary did not 'die', but was taken body and soul into heaven, like Elijah. She was also defined as the 'ever Virgin Mary'. This is obviously wrong for Jesus had 4 younger brothers and at least 2 sisters.  Math 1355,56

8c. Praying the Rosary  1090 AD       [Contents]
Jesus forbade praying repetitious prayers.  Math 67,8  The Rosary is often used like this rather than as a simple aid to memory. And far worse it is used to pray to Mary rather than to Jesus Christ, our Advocate and Redeemer. (See 8. Above)

9. Prayers to Saints       [Contents]
We do well to honour the saints and learn from their example. But pray to them? Never! Prayers to the saints (as also to Mary) imply that Jesus is too busy. They are thus an insult to him, who always lives to intercede for us.  Ro 834  Heb 725 924

10. Inquisition       [Contents]
In the late 11th Century the Roman church began to execute or torture people who they considered to be guilty of heresy. Initially inquisitors were usually from the Dominicans, later joined by Franciscans. Their brutality against the Waldensians and the Hussites became legendary - also in Spain and the Americas. While the Inquisition is not a theological error, it does reveal a practical sin that must be seen as a massive denial of the Christian faith. In 1578 the ‘Directorium Inquisitorum’ declared the punishment was not so much for the correction of the person but so that “others may become terrified and weaned away from the evils they would commit.” The burning of the Reformation martyrs for heresy and for the translation and printing of the scriptures in English, reveal the satanic heart of Rome for which there has not yet been any hint of repentance. In 1965 the inquisitors name was changed to ‘The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.’ And capital punishment for heresy is no longer practised!

11. Transubstantiation  1215 AD       [Contents]
Jesus commanded us to eat the bread and wine and remember that he died for our sins, achieving our propitiation by paying the necessary ransom. The bread and wine are not transformed in a magical rite that only a priest may perform. For a series of minor concocted reasons the congregation are never allowed to drink wine at Mass (from 1414 AD) - In reality this says that only the priest is worthy to drink the wine. But we all need to 'remember' the cleansing blood. Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you."  Jn 653. The Mass that repeatedly sacrifices Christ on the altar is an insult. Jesus was sacrificed once for all when he laid down his life at Calvary.  Heb 912, 24-28.  Rome burned at the stake many Protestants for refusing to accept this false, priest-magnifying lie during the Reformation. Transubstantiation leads to the abominable practice of 'reserving the sacrament' and once more gives unmerited additional power to the priests of Rome. Their 'priests' offer sacrifices to God for men. This is wrong. The task of a minister is to offer God's truth, mercy and grace to men. Christ is the only perfect priest. He completely fulfilled all the sacrifices that the OT foretold. There is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.  1Tim 25

12. Purgatory  1439 AD       [Contents]
Purgatory detracts from the fullness of the sacrifice Jesus made on the Cross. It denies that his sacrifice purchased the complete pardon for sin that is received by all who repent and plead to him for mercy. Jesus said, "It is finished", the 'Debt Is Paid In Full.'  Jn 1930  Heb 919 Purgatory holds that all men must go through a further cleansing process before they can enter Heaven. It encouraged the practice of prayers for the dead and further indulgences. Jesus told the dying thief, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise."   Lu 2343  The parable Jesus told of the rich man and Lazarus emphatically denies the opportunity of salvation after death.  Lu 1619-31

13. Tradition added to Authority of Scripture  1545 AD      [Contents]
Rome allows Church Tradition to be given equal authority to the Word of God when deciding whether something is right or true. We may live in the so called 'post modern era' but the truth of God does not change. Man's view of God may vary; but God's Word remains unchanged and must be the sole arbiter in determining both Christian theology and practice. The Apocryphal books were added to the Scriptures by the Roman Church in 1546 AD.
In 1528 Thomas More and William Tyndale fought a literary battle for truth in which More wrote, "Whatever the church says, is the word of God, though it is not in Scripture." Also "We must not examine the teaching of the church by Scripture, but understand Scripture by means of what the church says."  (From 'The Reformation in England' Vol 1 by Merle d’Aubigne. page 385)
Thomas More foolishly thought that the authority of the church far exceeded that of the Word of God.

14. Seven Sacraments Confirmed  1545 AD      [Contents]
There are only two sacraments Baptism and the Lord's Supper. The Council of Trent (1545-1563) confirmed five others that had been practised for several centuries: Confirmation, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony. According to Rome anyone not regarding all seven sacraments is guilty of heresy and liable to damnation.

15. Extreme Unction  1545 AD      [Contents]
Extreme Unction is the sacrament which, through the anointing with blessed oil by the priest, and through his prayer, gives health and strength to the soul and sometimes to the body when we are in danger of death from sickness. It began with truth of Jms 514 but soon became essential for any real assurance of heaven.

16. Papal infallibility  1870 AD      [Contents]
Our leaders should be honoured, but none are infallible; Nor can any man be. Jesus is the only man ever to have walked this earth in whom there is no sin. Even a cursory glace at the long line of Popes show them to be anything but sinless. Infallibility is impossible unless a man is sinless. God gave to Solomon greater wisdom than any, but it did not stop him marrying foreign wives, making idols and worshipping them.  1 Kg 11  It is vital that all in the church learn how to practice discernment. We need to test what we are told using Scripture.  1 Jn 41  1 Thes 521

17. Crucifix       [Contents]
The image of Christ on a crucifix is just that; a forbidden image. It is quite different from the Christian symbol of the empty Cross. Furthermore Pope Paul V1 (1962-1978) and Pope John Paul II (1978-2005) have both regularly used a 'Twisted Crucifix' on top of their staff, which was first used by Satanists in the 6th century!

18. Evil Symbols       [Contents]
Many are used like the (15th century BC) Egyptian obelisk (a sex symbol) and the 8-fold path to enlightenment that surrounds in St Peter's Basilica in Rome. Unknown to many, these symbols are particularly evil.

19. 'One-way' confession       [Contents]
We are instructed to confess our sins to one another.  Lev 55  James 516  It is not confession that is wrong, but that it is 'one way'. It is said that knowledge is power. Under Rome, the priest knew the secrets of everyone from Emperors to peasants. Under the threat of excommunication and hell, the priest could demand the most humiliating penance. Blackmail was not rare! Perhaps this is why the Catholic Church has always insisted upon it.

20. Penance      [Contents]
This is the act of suffering instructed by the priest after confession. Its object can be to enhance repentance and generate a greater hatred of the sin. It can also encourage men to think that in completing penance they have done something to atone for their sin. This is a complete delusion for only the blood of Christ can atone for my sin; there is nothing I can do to achieve forgiveness. Forgiveness is all by the grace and mercy of God.

21. Apostolic Succession      [Contents]
Rome claims that Jesus put Peter in charge of the early church and that Peter was their first pontiff. Thus all their priests are descended with this authority. It enables them to claim power over all other Christians. But there is no evidence that the first Pope (Clement ?) was enthroned by Peter. Even a tertiary examination of the history of the Popes can only make one blush and be ashamed when they claim to represent Christ on earth.

22. Priests take title of 'Father'       [Contents]
Jesus told his disciples to call each other brother or servant - never rabbi, father or teacher.   Math 235-12  Yet they insist on using the title 'Father'.

23. Praying for the Dead      [Contents]
Jesus told the story of the Rich man and Lazarus.  Lu 1619-31. This clearly shows the truth that after death there is no further opportunity for salvation - it is too late. Between Lazarus in heaven and the rich man 'a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.' So it is clear that praying for the dead is totally ineffectual. The only solace is that we are not the Judge; and can rest assured that the Lord of glory will make a just judgement. It may surprise us - either way!

24. Only Priests can Interpret Scripture      [Contents]
This error is perhaps Rome's worst. The martyr William Tyndale was determined that the Word of God should be given to all men in their own language. Rome was frightened that the Scriptures would expose all their wicked errors. It did precisely that. Though it has not caused Rome to repent of any of them. God's Word does not require interpreting, only reading/hearing during which the Holy Spirit will reveal the truth, and then obeying. Though there will always remain some mysteries, it's message is plain for all to understand. Under Rome all church services were in latin, which for most were nothing more than a familiar 'babble'! Under Thomas More they even burned men who taught their children the Lord’s prayer in English!
All believers in Christ are priests, not just ministers.  1Pe 25,9  Rev 16 510  Exd 196

25. Homosexuality  2020 AD      [Contents]
In Oct 2020 Pope Francis said: "Homosexuals have a right to be a part of the family. They are children of God.” He told the openly gay Catholic priest James Allison that he affirms his priesthood. But God has clearly said it is an abomination.   Lev 1822 2013  And in Ro 124-28  homosexuality and lesbianism is revealed as being the direct result of God removing his protection when men give up on God.

26. Don’t need to change  2023 AD      [Contents]
The Pope, addressing his General Audience on 18th Jan said, “Convincing someone from another religion to become a Christian is a pagan practice.” He also said that the church should grow by attracting people with the beauty of God’s love. And if they are attracted to the church, then they are accepted as they are, they do not have to change. But Jesus said, “Repent, for the kingdom of God is near.”  Math 417  And to Nicodemus Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.’”  Jn 33


It is at our own deep peril that we forget what our Reformation forbears died for. Read such books as:
      Foxe's Book of Martyrs
      The Reformation in England by Merle d'Aubigne
      Masters of the English Reformation by Marcus Loane
      Five English Reformers by J.C.Ryle
           See also Our Debt to the Reformation - J C Ryle   (Use arrow Back to return here))
They each tell us why Rome tried so hard to quench the light that dawned when the scriptures were translated into English and the truth was revealed. Rome even added the Scriptures to the index of forbidden books for laymen in 1229 AD!

Many of these errors are not peripheral, secondary issues about which Christians may disagree. They are fundamental truths about our salvation, which the light of God's Word in our native language revealed during the Reformation. Not surprisingly, Rome vigorously repressed this. Rome has never admitted anything wrong in their unscriptural theology, their idolatrous practices, or their murder of Christians and Jews. They claim the Reformation and the Crusades were an unfortunate aberration when part of the church was hijacked by some extremists. But the extremists were actually the succession of Popes and their Cardinals!

Today (2020) Pope Francis has appealed for forgiveness for “the sins of our divisions, and open wound in the body of Christ.” He has expressed his sorrow that the Reformation happened - with good reason for Rome has lost £millions every year for 500 years; but they have never admitted that Rome did anything wrong. Ecumenism wants to just forget the past. This sounds nice, but it remains a deadly folly until Rome is willing to repent of the fact that they burned men who translated the Scriptures into English, who taught their children the Lord’s prayer in English, or denied in Transubstantiation in the Mass. Any ecumenical agreement would also require the most unlikely annulling of Papal Infallibility.

Even with these errors, some Roman Catholics are still believers saved by grace; but it is not because they are Catholics, but in spite of being so!

In the closing days of the northern tribes of Israel, God's cry to his people came through his prophet Hosea. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.  Hos 46.  Is this still God's cry?   At the same time the warning also came as 'a roar' by the Lord from the prophet Amos.   Amos 12

God's command at the end is to 'Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins ...'  Rev 184  In its context this refers to the evil 'Babylon' system, but it can equally well be applied to 'Rome'. Both are systems that turn men away from God by the love of money, power and false religion.

Let us discern the truth and give time to learn what the Scriptures say. Let us thoroughly test all that is prophesied, taught and practised in the light of Scripture. It is the only safe way.  Act 1711
